Spelling Bear Game


I created this game in the course: Game Development, in the second year of my undergraduate degree. Teaching, especially English, has always been my passion so of course when we had to create a game, my thoughts went straight to what games I could build that could be incorporated into a classroom environment.

The genre that this game was designed for is primary school aged children (4 years to 11 years). It is an educational learning game. It can be adapted to suit older children by changing the imagery from a Bear to something less juvenile, and the word list can be adapted to suit any reading level.

At the time of development, I did testing of the game with an audience comprising of primary school children and teachers at a local school.  It was very well received by all participants.

Future Enhancements

It was always my intention to alter this game to include grade levels on the loader screen. This way, once a child had mastered their level, they could then move on to the next, further educating themselves through play.


To view the full game including loader screen and credits CLICK HERE .

Substitution – Right now, Students are given word lists that they have to write out over and over…

Augmentation – Students use the game to learn spelling in a fun way.

Modification – No waiting for harder word lists to be given because students can access harder levels as they complete the easier ones.

Redefinition – Students can add their own words to the word lists – and this leads to higher order thinking.

Safety – The game is built by students, for students and can be housed locally.

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